Sat, Mar 1, 2025

2025 Season Kickoff - Points 1 & Novice School

Atlanta Motor Speedway

About this event


  • SATURDAY will be an Autocross Novice / Performance Driving School
  • SUNDAY will be our opening event for the 2025 ARSCCA Solo Points Championship



New as of 2024, we're shifting the focus of our novice events. TODO: Talk about two different registration options?


Novice / Performance Driving School Overview

Our goal is twofold:

  • Instructor-lead students
    We want to make you faster. You don't have to be a first-time novice to sign up. If you are a rookie and in your first or second season of AutoX and want to improve your times, consider signing up
  • Fun-runs
    We want you to have as much fun as possible while staying safe and learning the basic of how an autocross event is run. First-timers and long-time drivers, come on out for a relaxed day of fun runs! (Timing lights will be up but no scoring will take place)
    NOTE: Registration for Fun Run drivers will open at a later date, based on availability. Priority is given to attendees interested in instructor-lead coaching.

Both of these options are open to all drivers, from first-timers that have never autocrossed to any driver looking to improve their lap times.

If you register for the instructor-lead segment, you will be paired with an experienced instructor that is familiar with your car configuration and can help you extract the most performance possible. It is common for the instructor to ride passenger during most or all of the morning runs and few, if any, of the afternoon runs, but their entire day is reserved for you and your coaching, so ask all the questions you can! It is also common (but not required) for students to ask their instructor to drive their car for one run as a demonstration of good driving technique. Students comfortable with this should mention it to their instructor.

Fun-run registrants will have access to occasional instructor ride-alongs from a reserved set of volunteers in the morning. During the afternoon sessions, ride-alongs should become easier to accommodate as the instructor-lead students start taking independent runs.

Loaner helmets will be available on a first come, first served basis. However, we do not have enough loaner helmets for everyone, so you are strongly encouraged to bring your own, and it must meet our tech requirements (here is a summary of what is required).

If you want to bring a non-participant/guest with you, no pre-registration is required (no additional fee for guests) No one will be allowed through the check-in gate without having signed the waiver, which can be done at the gate.


Optional Classroom Session

Also new as of 2024, all participants are invited to join us for a (virtual) classroom session on Wednesday night before the event, February 26. During this classroom session, we will cover:

  • Event basics
    • Preparing you & your car
    • SCCA Solo (autocross) rules
    • Autocross etiquette
  • Driving
    • Navigating an autocross course
    • The “racing line”
    • Vehicle dynamics & car balance
    • Driving session learning objectives



7:30 am Gates open for check-in. Show your SpeedWavier, get a wristband
8:30 am Driver's meeting; Instructor introductions; Tech completed by instructors
8:45 am Course open for walking (Instructor-lead students walk with their instructors; free-run registrants find an instructor that looks pretty)
9:15 am Heat 1 workers to course, heat 1 drivers to their cars
9:30 am First car off (heat 1 runs start)
10:45 am Worker/driver swap
11:00 am Heat 2 runs start
12:15 pm ARSCCA-provided lunch (instructor free-runs)
1:00 pm Heat 1 workers to course, heat 1 drivers to their cars
1:15 pm Heat 1 runs restart
2:30 pm Worker/driver swap
2:45 pm Heat 2 runs restart
4:00 pm Event complete (instructor free-runs)


Points 1

We are modifying our format for Competition Events to run on a three-heat format.  Each class will be placed into Heat 1, 2, or 3.  Attempts will be made to keep the same classes running together throughout the season, but some classes may need to shift to help balance the numbers in the three heats.  Which heat runs at what point during the day will rotate throughout the season, so that everyone will have equal time running first, working first, and resting first.  Please pay attention to the Heat assignments when you check in.

The Rookie class is a program for newer drivers (those who began the season with fewer than six SCCA autocross events) looking to compete with other drivers in an indexed class, but without jumping into the deep end of Pro. 

Worker changes will be performed on the fly, to minimize downtime. Participants are expected to keep track of the pacing of the day and listen to announcements so that worker changes can be accomplished with minimal interruption to the event.



7:30 am              Gates Open for Checkin.  Show your SpeedWaiver, get your Work Assignment, and get a wristband.  

8:15 am              Tech opens. 

8:30 am              Cars to Grid.  

9:00 am              Course Open for walking.  

9:30 am              Tech closed. Course closed for walking. 

9:40 am              Driver’s Meeting.

9:50 am              Drivers to cars. Workers to stations.  Resters to... restrooms?

10:00 am            First car off.

Event requirements


Pre-Registration is required for our events. Registration fees are $122 for the Novice School and $72 for Fun Runs. Weekend memberships (required for non-SCCA members) are $20. (Please note MSR charges a $2.00 booking fee for each event payment). If you decide to become an annual member, that $20 will be applied as a credit to your annual membership dues.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!! Novice School attendees get FREE ADMISSION to the points event on Sunday!

MotorsportReg will verify your SCCA membership as you complete the registration process. If you are a current member and get a message telling you that your membership is invalid or expired, make sure the name on your SCCA membership card matches the name on your MSR account exactly. Also make sure your SCCA number has been entered correctly in your MSR account - including any underscores that are a part of your number.

We will determine class heats ahead of time.  Accordingly, registration will closes at 5pm Friday before the Event.  We will not have on-site registration on the day of the event.    

If you want to bring a non-participant/guest with you, no pre-registration is required (no additional fee for guests) No one will be allowed through the check-in gate without having signed the waiver, which can be done at the gate.



If so, be sure to complete a MINOR WAIVER.

Follow this link for the digital annual waivers.

You will need your login information for the SCCA Member Access Portal (MAP) at

If BOTH PARENTS SHARE CUSTODY, please complete the “Annual Waiver Minor.”


If ONE PARENT has SOLE CUSTODY, please complete the “Annual Waiver Minor Parental Consent.”


Atlanta SCCA stands by SCCA's mission, vision, values, and welcoming environment. Read more here.

Entries (169)

Elis Rios
Kibeom (Gear) KIM
Al Aberson
Exton Howard
John Garrett
Scott Phillips
Jose Sierra
Aditya Madhavan

Atlanta Motor Speedway

Hampton, GA


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Atlanta Region - Solo

Event over!