10 entries
Name Status Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Jonathan C
ConfirmedTSD - BNewburgh, IN
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Josie C
ConfirmedNewburgh, IN
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Ernest R
ConfirmedTSD - BRobinson, ILDM Motorsports
profile photo
Susan R
ConfirmedRobinson, IL
Kayla S
ConfirmedDecatur, IL
profile photo
Kurt S
ConfirmedTSD - ADecatur, IL
profile photo
Lucy S
ConfirmedDecatur, IL
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Peggy S
ConfirmedTSD - ADecatur, IL
Gregory W
ConfirmedTSD - BFindlay, OH
Theresa W
ConfirmedFindlay, OH
Class totals: TSD - A: 2TSD - B: 3

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.