Sun, Mar 9, 2025

2025 Road Atlanta "Shush Sessions" Mar 9

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

About this event

What are Shush! Sessions?

If you know Road Atlanta, you probably know that 10am-12pm on Sundays is known as “quiet time,” marked on event schedules as “NO RACE ENGINES.” There is plenty of speculative lore surrounding this policy, mostly tracking back to an early 80’s rock concert, but what is known for sure is that this is matter of law - race engines cannot be run during quiet hours at Road Atlanta, period, paragraph - end of discussion.

But wait - what about Street Engines? An excellent question and within that question is the core principle of Atlanta Region’s Shush! Sessions- NO RACE ENGINES means YOU have a change to get on track in your STREET CAR and experience on of the greatest tracks in North America, on a quiet and peaceful Sunday morning. It really is just that simple. 

The Shush sound rules are going to be very strictly enforced moving forward. 

Here are the rules that will allow us to continue this program:

  1. There will be one person in the control room during the Shush Sessions that will have sole discretion on who gets flagged for sound. We will be running sound concurrently in order to be able to tell you all what db limits seem to be flaggable but there is no hard and fast sound limit.
  2. This will be a One And Done offense. There will be no second chances, so please plan and play accordingly.
  3. Those that are black flagged for sound will not be allowed back on track for the remainder of the event. Participants will only be allowed to register for future events if using a different car.
  4. Credits/Refunds for blowing sound are being discussed but better safe than sorry, as we cannot currently guarantee either will be available.
  5. If these rules seem strict, please allow us to gently nudge you towards the SCCA Track Night in America and Time Trials programs. They are both amazingly fun and have less restrictive sound limits. You will most certainly find your people there!


  • So how quiet is quiet?
    • It can be tough to know for sure if your car is Shush! eligible. And, unfortunately, as this is a matter of law, we can’t be very flexible, but if you do show up and the car is just too loud, we will be happy to offer you a refund or credit for a future event. That said, here are some good ways to gauge if you are going to be ok:
      • You have a factory exhaust system, and your car is not a performance package vehicle
      • You have an aftermarket exhaust system that includes catalytic converter and muffler(s)
      • You don’t notice when a wall or guardrail ends or begins when driving on the street (because there’s not an echo from your car)
  • Street cars only? Can my car have numbers on it? What about roll bars, race seats and belts (oh my)?
    • Again, a bit of a judgement call, but-
      • No car will be refused for properly installed safety equipment alone- we want you to be safe and responsible
      • Numbers on what is CLEARLY otherwise a street car are fine, but the more it looks like a racecar, the harder it is to justify
      • When in doubt, license plates count! We’re not in a big hurry to get into an argument with the state about whether something is a street car or not- so if it has a valid and current plate, that helps a ton!

Shush! Sessions are open to drivers of all experience levels. You will get 2 sessions on track in either the Green or Blue group. Green/Novice is for less experienced drivers and allows passing only on straight sections of the track. Blue/Advanced is for experienced drivers and allows passing on any section of the track. Plus, as these events happen within Atlanta Region SCCA Road Racing, you will also get gate passes for you and a guest to check out the racing that afternoon. We will also have coffee (the lifeblood of motorsport) on hand, and you can probably snag a doughnut if you arrive early enough - no promises.

Event Supps: SCCA - Atlanta Region - Events - 2025 - 03 - Road Atlanta - Track Event - Supps.docx (3).pdf


Event requirements

Shush! Sessions are run within the policies and procedures of SCCA’s Track Night in America program. So, if you’ve done Track Night, you are set for Shush! (provided your car is appropriately muffled). If you’ve not, or want to refresh, here are some key links:

Rules and Regulations:


OPTIONAL - On-Track Insurance:

Event Supps: SCCA - Atlanta Region - Events - 2025 - 03 - Road Atlanta - Track Event - Supps.docx (3).pdf

Entries (72)

Wesley Bittner
Leonardo Nogueira
Changhai Man
Quang Truong
Joel Qualls
Chris January
Patrick Boggs
Allen Brown

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

Braselton, GA
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Open Track organized by

SCCA - Atlanta Region - Club Racing

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2025 March Atlanta HST - Mar 7-9
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

2025 Road Atlanta "Shush Sessions" Mar 9

Sun, Mar 9, 2025